The mission of River Valley Food 4 Kids is to help alleviate hunger among children in the Arkansas River Valley by providing food when other sources of nutrition are not readily available and to provide education on the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
what We DO
River Valley Food 4 Kids is a 501 (c) 3 organization that is primarily funded by private donations. It costs, on average, $150 to feed a child for an entire year. That is less than most of us spend on groceries in a single week. This program is only possible through the generosity of our community.
We are currently serving children receiving backpacks in Russellville, Atkins, Pottsville, Dover, & Hector School Districts. This totals nearly 1,200 children weekly. During the summer we also accept children from the surrounding area.
If you are interested in holding a food or volunteer drive, please contact us.
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